Pest Control
Pest infestations are an attack on your home and your peace of mind. We don't only want effective pest control for your home, we want you to understand what is being done to address and solve your issues as quickly as possible. We are committed to getting the job done effectively, efficiently, and affordably. We want you to trust our family of experienced, licensed pest control professionals to provide you with a solution.
We offer many levels of service to fit your needs:
One-time Services
Bi-monthly Services
Monthly Services
Quarterly Services
Semi-Annual Services
Annual Services
Steps of Service
Step 1
Initial Service
The initial service is designed to:
Identify and Prevent existing and potential pest problems.
Flush out adult pests from interior nesting.
Establish a protective barrier around the home.
Step 2
First Regular Service
The first regular service is known as the Breaking the Cycle Service designed to:
Break the pests' Egg Cycle.
Control persistent pests.
Fortify the protective barrier around the home.
Step 3
Maintenance Service
The maintenance services are designed to maintain a barrier:
Maintainance existing and potential pest problems.
Continued control of persistent pests.
Seasonal pest treatments.
Maintaining the protective barrier around the home.
Why are these steps important?
Step 1: Initial Service
Your first service is a comprehensive inside and outside service designed to flush adult pests from your home and begin to establish a barrier. Residential homes receive constant pressure from local pest populations because insects and rodents need shelter, moisture, and food; which are all found in abundance around a home.
Pests cause physical damage to your structure and possessions, spread germs, irritate allergies, and generally make the living
Step 2: First Regular Service, "Breaking the Cycle"
For every adult flea in your home, there may be up to 99 eggs waiting to
hatch and re-infest your home. One female German roach carrying an egg
sac can multiply into over 400,000 roaches in just one year under ideal
conditions. Your second service visit will be 30-60 days after the initial treatment. This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!
The Initial Service will flush adult pests away from your home. The Egg Cycle Service will make sure newly hatched pests don’t re-infest your home. Most insects develop from eggs. Insect eggs have a protective outer wet-shell making treatment ineffective until the insect’s hatch. It takes anywhere from 10 days to several months from the time of formation for eggs to hatch. Once insects hatch, they quickly grow through a series of stages to adulthood and begin laying eggs themselves if left untreated.
environment comfortable by virtue of their presence. Pests only need 1/64 of an inch to enter your home. They enter through several access points including where pipes and wires come into the structure, expansion joints, foundation cracks, and through doors and window sills. Once around your home pests reproduce at higher rates not only because they have an abundance of food and shelter but also because they are protected from their natural predators. During the flush-out process, we will use a combination of treatment methods customized to the time of year, type of construction, and scale of the problem or prevention needed. Your technician will do an assessment and inspection to identify each homeowner’s individual needs.
Step 3: Maintenance Service
Much like with our own personal health, when there is a pest problem we tend to focus only on the immediate problem. Many pests continue to breed and stay active year-round. In fact, a home usually becomes more vulnerable to pest pressure pushing inside when it cools down. Combine this with the fact that each season also presents a wave of new seasonal pest problems and the need for year-round pest service in this area of the country becomes critical.
Why Year-Round Pest Control?
Pest Control in North Carolina tends to be needed year-round due to our warmer climate. Even in our winter months it very rarely reaches a cold temperature to effectively kill many or all insects outdoors. Due to our nature of warmth year-round, it allows insects to breed all year. Even though it does not get cold enough to kill them, they will move indoors to escape the outdoor conditions, which is why it is imperative to continue pest control year-round.
Spring is a wonderful time that brings new growth and life. Sadly that is true for insects and rodents. Due to the melting snow, and warmer conditions spring is a very active time for pests around the home. Spiders, in particular, have large hatchings in the spring and must be treated properly. Spring is an essential time in which we are able to create barriers around and in the home so that when summer comes they are pest-free.
Fall is arguably one of the most important times to protect the home from pests. With the dropping temperatures, pests look for a warm safe haven for the winter months. It is our job to make sure that the customer isn’t bunkmates with pests all winter long. In the fall we focus on strengthening the barrier around the home as well as treating the inside for ants, spiders, earwigs, and mice looking for a warm place to stay.
With the heat of the summer comes a large scale of activity from earwigs, wasps, ants, and spiders. During the summer months, we focus on eliminating these pests and creating thorough barriers.
The winter is a crucial time to service each home. It is during the winter that most pests are trying to get into the home to escape the cold and harsh weather conditions outside. With our winter treatment, we target these pests to ensure that they will not invade the comforts of your home. We use a specialized power duster to reach farther into the cracks and crevices on the outside of the home. This strengthens the barrier that we created during the warmer months.